About Me

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Expressing myself as a christian, as a student, and as an artist. Exploring new art styles and new workouts.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Praise The Lord: Miraculous Things

This entry is going to be a recap of some good news that I have heard a few weeks ago. 

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Working Out: Start of A New Year

So, it has been twenty four days since the start of 2012.

Reflecting back to 2011...

During December of 2011, working out has been hard to manage. With three exams to study for, it was difficult to manage and balance between the time for studying, sleeping, and working out.  After having the exams completed, it was even harder to manage because of the lack of sleep and energy that were lost during that period. With lots of sleeping and recovering, I regained my energy and was ready to tackle the new year.

Presently in 2012...

As this new year has started, I wanted to restart my routine of working out.

Goal: Get ripped by June/July, along with my many specific goals.

In the month of January, I have so far gone probably three times a week. It has been a good start so far, but there will be lots of more to do.

Just today, I met with my trainer for a reassessment. Hearing some encouraging words, and receiving some helpful responses to my questions, I believe it will be a good way to start the new year and to try to achieve my goal. These words of encouragement and helpful responses will shared at a later blog entry.

For tonight, I think I am going to call it a night and snooze. ^^

-peace out-Krafty

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Back to Blogging (AGAIN)

It has been quite some time since I have last blogged. Many things have happened. Many of which I will be recapping about in the time to come.

For today, I will only blog this...

   ...a new year it is...
   ...a new start to do what have been missed, lost, forgotten, placed aside...
   ...a new time to revisit, review, rekindle with it all...

-peace out-Krafty