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Expressing myself as a christian, as a student, and as an artist. Exploring new art styles and new workouts.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Praise The Lord: Miraculous Things

This entry is going to be a recap of some good news that I have heard a few weeks ago. 

As many of you may have read or heard from me a month or so ago, my trainer had an accident that resulted in him being in a coma. Well, a few weeks ago, I asked one of the representatives in the gym and found out that my trainer was no longer in a coma.

Praise The Lord!!

It was definitely good news to hear that he was out of the coma. He is presently able to speak and even text on his cell phone. 

Praise The Lord!!

In my discussion with the representative, I found out that many of my trainer's family and friends were praying for him. I added in that I told many of my friends to also pray for him. The power of prayer is definitely powerful. 

During the discussion, the representative also mentioned how doctors were amazed of what occurred and said it was really miraculous. Miraculous things happen. No one can explain it. It is only through God that this can be explained. 

As my trainer has awakened from his coma, I remain to keep praying for his recovery: his ability to move, his ability to return back to his older self...

-peace out-Krafty


  1. That's great news man.
    Glad to hear it.
    True miracle indeed.

    1. Yes it is. Nice to hear from u, hope you have been well. Btw, no more fb for u?

    2. I've been awesome, and no FB for a bit.
      More productive.

      What's your email? I wanna send you some links that may help

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. btw, what kind of links u want to send me, cuz im gonna be getting rid of the reply with my email like later today... or you could always just post the links here, depending on what it is...
