About Me

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Expressing myself as a christian, as a student, and as an artist. Exploring new art styles and new workouts.

Thursday 27 October 2011

In the Midst of Busyness

Every Day I wake up before my alarm or when my alarm rings. I roll around and slowly get up. I start my day being half awake. I do my morning routines. I eat my breakfast. If it's a school day, I pack my backpack. If it's my day off, I turn on my laptop. The day goes on being busy. When it reaches around 7pm, things start to slow down. The day almost comes to an end...

Every Week I would go to school from Tuesday to Thursday. The three days that I go to school includes three hours of sitting through lecture, which includes either covering material or being tested on them. When Thursday finishes, I start my weekend. Days off seem normal. I often get more then just two days off for my weekend. When Sunday comes, I wake up quickly to get ready as I have to walk to the bus station in order to transit up the mountain to church. Then it's Monday. A day before my week starts again...

Friday 21 October 2011

Working Out: Recovering

As many of you know recovering after working out is very important. I normally let my muscle groups recover by not doing them the next day. As I have written on the first blog about working out, I split my workout into four days. I usually go through them one day after another. For this week, I have so far did my days of chest/triceps, back/biceps and shoulders.

Today, I was supposedly to do my legs' workout, but I ended up resting. In the morning, I went to my acupuncturist and had some treatments done to me. During this time, I asked my acupuncturist a few questions about recovery and soreness.

Question: Is it normal to sometimes feel a lump or a bump in my body (for example, my arms)?
Response: It is normal to attain them due to working out those areas of the body.

Question: Is going to the steam room after a workout helpful in recovery?
Response: Yes, it is definitely helpful. In the hot and moist environment, you have the chance to help the circulation of your blood, which helps in the recovery from soreness.

Question: Will going to the steam room cause problems to individuals that are trying add weight?
Response: No, it has no effect in losing weight for those are trying to gain weight; as mentionned before, going to a steam room will simply help with recovery from soreness and such.

I probably have asked maybe a few other questions. However, I don't remember them. :D
When I was done with my treatments, I ended up going home and resting more.

As a few friends have said to me in past conversations, they believe that I am not resting enough between my days of workout. Being stubborn, I wanted to keep pushing. I wanted to see more and more results. Learning during the process, I realize that if I have no energy to workout, it will be probably more beneficial for me to rest and recover, then to push and result in hurting myself while working out. Once today is over, tomorrow is a new day to workout and to push harder.

-peace out-Krafty

Thursday 20 October 2011

Working Out: Feeling the Burn

So this week had a change in my workout days. I ended up taking Monday off instead of working out. My Monday ended up being a roadtrip to the states. I resumed working out on Tuesday and onwards.

On Tuesday, I did my chest and triceps workout. It was good. For most of my exercises, I was not able to increase the weights. However, I felt the burn. I felt some burn while during doing the workout. When I went to sleep, I still felt some burn. When I woke up the next morning, I felt the burn even more. So I conclude, my chest and tricep day worked out quite well.

On Wednesday, I did my back and biceps workout. It was good. I was able to increase the weights for all of the workout exercises. It was definitely a level up for working out my back and my biceps. While doing the workout, I felt the burn. When I went to sleep, I felt the burn. When I woke up the next day, the burn felt more evident. So I conclude, my back and bicep day worked out so awesome.

As I blog about the workouts, I am still feeling the burn for my chest, my back, my triceps and my biceps. Tonight, I will be doing my shoulders workout. Hopefully, I will continue to feel this burn so that the results from the exercises will be more present. I need to keep feeling this burn.

-peace out-Krafty

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Roadtrip 2States

Yesterday was a sunny day. It was also a day where both my mom and I had days off. We have been deciding for quite a few weeks to plan for a roadtrip. And finally, yesterday was that day.

Our destination: Bellis Fair Mall and Costco
Our goal: Relax and shop a bit

Waiting at the border to cross to the states took much longer than we expected. When we finally cross the border, we just want to get to Bellis Fair Mall as soon as we can. When we got there, it was lunch time. We ended up eating at the buffet at Bellis Fair Mall. It was not bad. We were filled. After eating, we started to shop.

My purchases: a t-shirt from Areopostale, an electric Braun shaver for beard and head, and a buckle of Leonardo (from Teenage Mutatn Ninja Turtles) from Hot Topic

I ended up getting not as many thing as I expected and not as little things as I thought.
When we finished walking around the mall, we went to Costco. Costco in the states is quite different. The layout is different. The product selection is different. The overall atmosphere is different. It was indeed an enjoyable visit.

Though the trip did not have any extravagent highlights, it was an awesome roadtrip. It was a time well spent on relaxing and shopping in the states.

-peace out-Krafty

Sunday 16 October 2011

Working Out 2become Super Saiyan

I have been working out on and off for the past two years. This past August was when I finally started working out and seeing results.

My workout is composed of four days. (Each day focuses on certain muscle groups)

Day 1: (Chest and Tricep)
> Flat Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, Seated Chest Press, Seated Pec Fly, Angled Dumbell Press and Angled Dumbell Fly; Tricep Extension, Tricep Pulldown (with V Bar)

Day 2: (Back and Bicep)
> Seated Lower Back Extension, Seated Row (overhand and underhand), Close Grip Row, Bicep curls (machine and free weights), Deadlifts

Day 3: (Shoulders)
> Shoulder Shrugs, Forawrd Raises, Side Raises, Shoulder Press

Day 4: (Legs)
> Leg Curls, Linear Leg Press, Seated Calves, V Squat Machine

Besides working these four days, I work on my abs after every day of workout.
I do a variation of crunches and ab workouts.

 Anyways, I will write more later. This post is simply a start up post.

-peace out-Krafty

Back to Blogging

Hello! Bonjour! 你好!

I am back to blogging once more.

-peace out-Krafty