About Me

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Expressing myself as a christian, as a student, and as an artist. Exploring new art styles and new workouts.

Monday 21 November 2011

The Possibility of Losing a Race Results in the Possibility of Losing Something More

I thought I would have posted a few more blogs before this one. Unfortunately, that did not happened. Today, I went to the gym as always. I did my chest and triceps. It went relatively pleasant. I wished it was more thrilling and better (especially in the progression of things).

Let's rewind backwards a bit...

Friday 18 November 2011

Life Is So Fragile

I just returned home not too long ago from working out. I will update about workout and other stuff in a bit.

After finishing my workout, I normally go to the front desk to get it signed in order for me to get a chance to enter into a draw. I asked the front desk if he knew when my trainer might be in because I wanted to get a hold of him to ask about certain workouts and such.

He told me that my trainer probably won't be found because he was in the hospital.

I was shocked and concerned. I asked if he was okay. The front desk person told me that he can't disclose alot and suggested me to consider finding another trainer within the gym. I agreed. I left my number for another trainer to contact me.

Reflecting on this news...

Thursday 17 November 2011

Working Out: 10 by 10 Update

I have been busy, so I have not had a chance to really blog about anything. I have been thinking a bit about why my biceps have not been having any big progress. I got a chance to today to ask my friend about the 10 by 10 bicep curls. I asked my friend about whether it was 10 sets of 10 reps for both arms or 10 sets of 10 reps for each arm. My friend told me that it was 10 sets of 10 reps for each arm.

Later tonight I will be working out. I will be trying out the 10 sets by 10 reps per each arm. Hopefully, I will be able to achieve my bicep goal.

Bicep Goal: Achieve biceps that are visible without necessarily flexing.

Speaking of which, I have also intigrated 10 by 10 calf raises. As mentionned by another friend, calves can be worked out on quite often because they recover quite quickly. Hopefully in the weeks to come, I will be able to do many of these so that I can increase the strength and the toned results in my calves.

Calf Goal: Achieve defined and toned calves. Achieve strength in them.

Anyways, I got to go. I will probably be going to post a bit more later tonight.

-peace out-Krafty

Saturday 12 November 2011

In Time

Well, it has been some time since I have last blogged. Almost another week has passed. Things have been happening as usual. School remains to be the same. Workout remains to be consistent, although it has slowly been sloping or plateauing in a sense. There are so many things here and there that I wished I had time to do or start.

It's just that sometimes it seems like there is not enough time to do everything.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Working Out: 10 by 10

So, it has been awhile since I have blogged. It has been a busy and tiring week. After having gone to my workout tonight, I felt that it is time for a blog. I want to blog about something new that I have incorporated into my workout routine.

"10 sets of 10 reps of bicep curls"

So, after each workout routine, which I have listed out on my Super Saiyan page, I decided to incorporate this into it. The reason that I incorporated this into my workout for each day is because of the results that a friend of mine gained through doing them.

One of my goals from working out is to achieve biceps that are present without flexing explicitly.

When I saw the picture of my friend, I was amazed by the fact that he has some scary looking arms (as in, they were big compared to the rest of him). Curious to know how that happened, I decided to ask him. So, I messaged him. Once I messaged, I was amazed to hear about what he did as an exercise to achieve that results. Wanting that result to be on me, I decided to incorporate it.

It has probably been the forth or the fifth day that I have incorporated this into the end of my workout routines. I started with the 12.5lbs dumbbells. And presently, I am doing this 10 by 10 with 25lbs dumbbells.

So far, the results have not be extravagent because I have only done it for four or five times. However, my progress has so far been uplifting. This is due to the fact that I have been able to increase my dumbbells' weights from 12.5lbs to 25lbs. Each time, I would increase the weight because the weight that I did the 10 by 10 felt manageable.

Based on today's workout, I do feel quite sore in my biceps. This may be due to today's workout routine, which was on back and biceps, or the 10 by 10. The only thing that is presently puzzling me is... why are my biceps twitching...?

-peace out-Krafty