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Expressing myself as a christian, as a student, and as an artist. Exploring new art styles and new workouts.

Saturday 12 November 2011

In Time

Well, it has been some time since I have last blogged. Almost another week has passed. Things have been happening as usual. School remains to be the same. Workout remains to be consistent, although it has slowly been sloping or plateauing in a sense. There are so many things here and there that I wished I had time to do or start.

It's just that sometimes it seems like there is not enough time to do everything.

If I had that time, I would want to...
  • Organize things in my room (and possibly other places like my garage), so that things can be grouped into their proper homes,
  • Start learning guitar, so that I can finally say that I know how to play an instrument and that I can be able to play in worship team,
  • Sew my third messenger bag (I have had the fabric and such sitting in my room waiting for me to have some actual free times to cut them out, to place them together, and to sew them)
  • Start and finish reading the BIBLE, so that I can actually have some knowledge about what God wants for my life and how I can better myself to glorying him and being salt and light in this world
  • Read a few books that I have been collecting over the years (whether I bought them or friends have given them to me)
  • Go on an actual vacation (probably a short one) to either UK (England and Ireland), Montreal, Japan, New York, or Hong Kong
  • Bake some goodies (like Cinnamon Raison Bread, Cheesecake, Banana Bread, and Carrot Cake)

These things can probably be completed in time.

As I have been thinking about lots of things in my head, there are times when it seems to just spiral. It has probably been a long time since I have had a day where I literally could say that I have not done anything. Today was one of those days.

While I was resting my body (physically), my mind (mentally), and my heart (emotionally), I had a good conversation with a friend. From this conversation, I was given a link to watch, which gave me some motivation and inspiration. Though it is hard for the video that I watched to give me the motivation and inspiration in all areas of my life, it was able to help me specifically in the area of working out.

As I continued the conversation with my friend, I realize it is true that...

"Nothing is too late."

I need to remind myself of this and continue to thrive onwards. There is simply nothing that can be possibly too late. There will always be time (even if it is one of the most precious resource there is).

 -peace out-Krafty

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